Contemporary Turkish Short-story and Novel Writer
His Works
Collections of Short Stories:
Anadoludan Hikayeler (1939), Cevizli Bahçe (1941, 2nd edition 1975), Pazarlık (1944), Pembe Kurt (1953), Köyden Kentten Üç Buutlu Hikayeler (1956, 2nd edition 1961), Irgatların Öfkesi (1971), Kurbağa Çiftliği (1976, 3rd edition 2013)
Denizin Çağırışı (1943, 6th edition 2022), Ay Tutulduğu Gece (1961, 2nd edition 1971), Cemo (1966, 27th edition 2013), Memo (1969, 6th edition 2008), Yeşil Gölge (1970, second edition 2003), Yonca Kız (1971, 25th edition 2014), Başka Olur Ağaların Düğünü (1972, third edition 2013), Kölelik Dönemeci (1977, 2nd edition 2003), Bedoş (1980, 2nd edition 2003), Zühre Ninem (1981, 2nd edition 2003)
Newspapers and Literary Periodicals in which He Wrote:
Bilbaşar's novels were published in serial form in the following newspapers: Demokrat İzmir, Cumhuriyet, Milliyet ve Vatan.
His short stories appeared in Anadolu, Demokrat İzmir, Tan, Yeni Asır, Vatan (newspapers) and Aramak, Ülkü, Fikirler, Yeditepe, Yorum, Yelken, Yazko (literary magazines). Numerous short stories, articles and editorials were published in the newspapers Demokrat İzmir, Anadolu and Tan. In 2004, Bilbaşar's short story, Kaymaklı Tavuk Göğsü , was published in "İlk Gençlik Çağına Öyküler", an anthology prepared by Selim İleri, edited by Yapı Kredi Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık.
Internet, Podcast
2004 CEMO was included in the audio CD Sesli edebiyat-Öyküler Sesleniyor (Sound Literature-the Call of Short Stories) published by Denizbank Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık Tic. ve San. A.Ş.
The Turkish Ministry of Education, presents Bilbaşar, his life story, his works and the place he occupies in the Turkish literature in its Radio-Internet emission called: "100 Turkish Authors"
In 2006, the same ministry selected CEMO in the list of "100 Major Literary Works" recommended to high school students, and YONCA KIZ, in the list of "100 Major Literary Works" recommended to primary school children.
His Works Published in Other Languages:
Gemmo, Peter Owen, London, UK, 1976 (UNESCO Collection of Representative Works, Turkish Series)
Dzemo, Vydavatelstvo Slovensky Spisovatel, Bratislava, 1982
"The Roadshow and the Gypsy," Turkish Digest, 1957, USA
"Kaymaklı Tavuk Göğsü," Vostokni, Hudojestvennoy Literaturi, 1961, USSR
"Das Opfertier," "Die Mekka-Pilger," "Sümbül," Die Turkei, 1963, Germany
"Sale of Saltanat," Short Story International, 1964, USA
"Sale of Saltanat," World's Best Contemporary Short Stories, 1966, USA
"Çancının Karısı," Anthology, 1967, Bulgaria
"Kel Imamin Fesleri", Moderne Turkse Verhalen, 2005
"L'Emprise de la Mer", french translation of "Denizin Çağırışı”, Editions Petra , Paris 2024
(For more details on his life and his work, cf to Müberra Bağcı’s doctorate thesis entitled : « Kemal Bilbaşar’ın Hayatı ve Edebi Eserleri Üzerinde Bir Araştirma » (Study on Kemal Bilbaşar’s Life and Literary Work), Institute of Social Sciences at EGE University, Izmir, Turkey, 2002.)